Our team is open to all registered Stanford Students (undergraduate and graduate/professional). We practice at all levels of seriousness and ability: complete beginners, elite athletes, swimmers, bikers, runners, and casual social trainers are all encouraged to check out the team.
Unfortunately, due to Stanford's regulations, we cannot accept non-students as full team members. However, if you are an alum or stanford affiliate and want to have access to some of the benefits of our community, please consider Friends of the Team status.
How to Join
NOTE: For liability purposes, step 1 must be completed before attending ANY AND ALL practices.
1. Register for the team through the Stanford Club Sports website here (or search "Stanford Club Sports Registration" and go to Triathlon). Even if you are just taking the team for a test drive, you must do this for liability purposes. The concussion baseline must be completed. Use code SUTriathlon to access the baseline on the HitCheck app.
2. Fill out the team Roster Form
3. Join our mailing list (details below)​
This is used for major announcements & weekly schedule updates, but most other communication happens through the team Slack workspace. You will be added to the active members channel in Slack when you pay dues.
4. Pay dues!
For Students, pay $130 at https://assuepay.stanford.edu/.
Friends of the Team will be contacted about payment after they fill out the Roster Form!
Getting Started
To learn more about the team, show up to a workout and introduce yourself! Practice times and locations will be sent out from triathlon@lists.stanford.edu for the first 2 weeks as free trial period for anyone interested in joining! Look for one of our officers if you have any questions.
After the trial period is over, all athletes are required to pay dues before attending any practices, and we will send practices through our active members channel and email list.
Athletes who want to take advantage of our race subsidies and sponsorship benefits will have to complete (easy and fun) member responsibilities.
Dues are not, under any circumstances, refundable. This includes injuries or any other unforeseen circumstances.
We offer a two-week free trial period at the beginning of each quarter to allow new members to try out the team for free. After this period, all athletes must pay dues to attend practice.
Academic year: $130 per quarter.
Summer: $60.
Member Responsibilities
In order for our team to function with the limited resources we have as a club team, we depend on every member to spend time volunteering for the team outside of practice. To qualify for race subsidies and our sponsorship deals, we require all team members to do the following:
1. Sign up for at least four hours of volunteer shifts for Stanford's Reunion Homecoming in October. Every year we volunteer at Stanford's Reunion Homecoming as a way to give back to The Stanford Fund (TSF) for their financial support of our team.
2. Volunteer at our home race, Treeathlon. Team members are expected to spend ALL DAY Saturday and ALL DAY Sunday of Treeathlon weekend (usually the first weekend of March) volunteering at the race course in Redwood City. Treeathlon is our biggest fundraiser of the year and would not be possible without help from our members. All members will work with their team leader to accomplish all tasks needed to be done before race weekend. Team leaders and their groups will be assigned in the spring.
3. Sign up for an additional timing shift (i.e. helping out with other sports teams) if you are planning to race Nationals. Opportunities will be posted.
Member Benefits
Some of the benefits you will have as a SUTT member:
Team members receive professional coaching from our amazing coach.
Online Training Plan
Our coaches provide an online training plan via TrainingPeaks. To access this training plan, first create an account on trainingpeaks.com then email the Administrative Vice-President for help linking your account to our training plan.
Sponsorship Discounts
Team members are eligible for discounts on services and gear from our sponsors. Look out for an email from our Sponsorship Coordinator with details.​
Team Events
We host many events outside of practice including quarterly BBQs and our spring break training trip.​
NOTE: You must be a member in good standing in order to partake in these benefits. For information on how to be a member in good standing check out our Member Responsibilities.
Mailing Lists
There are two mailing lists:
This is our general/alumni mailing list. During our two-week trial period at the beginning of fall and winter quarter we will send practice information to this list.
Send a blank e-mail to triathlon-join@lists.stanford.edu to join.
You'll get added to this one when you pay dues!
All practice, race and job credit information will be sent here.
Friend of the Team Status
For Stanford-affiliated non-students (alums, postdocs, faculty, staff,...) we are debuting a new option. Friend of the Team status gets you:
Access to our training plan on Training Peaks
Access to all non-coached workouts and pickup workouts organized by team members. Our regularly-scheduled non-coached workouts usually include 1-2 trainer workouts on weekday evenings, and long runs and rides on the weekend. Team members frequently organize ad-hoc swims, rides, and runs via Slack.
Our team slack channel, useful for for setting up workouts with other team members and participating in our community.
This status does NOT grant access to coached workouts or coaching from our staff; we cannot offer this due to limitations from Stanford.
Dues are $65/quarter; $30 for the summer. Send an email to the current president, administrative vice-president, and/or financial officer if you are interested in this option.
Message for Fall 2024
Free Trial Period: September 23-October 4
Welcome to the Stanford Triathlon Team! We will have four to five coach-led practices and several student-led practices each week. You need to be a registered Stanford student to be eligible to join as a full member. If you are not a student, you can join as a Friend of the Team. The free trial period will be during the first two weeks of Fall Quarter from September 23rd - October 4th, 2024. Fall Dues after this period will be $130 for undergraduate and graduate students and $65 for Friends of the Team or those interested in just having access to our training plan. Please reach out to our Financial Officer, Matt Benjamin, if you want to join the team but dues would pose a financial burden.
If you're interested in joining this quarter, you can get on our public mailing list by sending a blank email to triathlon-join@lists.stanford.edu. We will send out information on this list at the beginning of the quarter including a practice schedule.
If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to our President, Zander Opperman (zdo@stanford.edu), or via Instagram (@stanfordtriathlon)!
Dues during fall, winter, and spring quarters will be $130 for students and $65 for friends of the team.